Tuesday, November 9, 2021

How To Write Money-Making Articles

Image courtesy of Mohamed Hassan, Pixabay.

It’s one thing to want to earn money through article marketing, but it’s another to know how to do it.

My advice, from my own personal experience, is that all your articles need to be written for the purpose of earning money. But you can’t write sales pitches. You need to write compelling articles. And what they need to do is compile the reader spend money on a product or service, without them feeling as though you’re trying to sell to them.

So how can you do that?

To write successful (and by that I mean money-making) articles for your blog or website, they need, amongst other things, to include the following 3 ingredients:

  1. Entertainment.  Your article needs to tell a story that entertains the reader. They must be entertained or they won’t keep reading. Stories have been used throughout history to pass on information. Even Jesus taught this way.
  2. Curiosity. We always want to know how to do things. That’s why we like magicians because we always want to know how they do their tricks. Likewise, your readers need to be curious to know something. But your article must not tell them how. Only that they need to know.
  3. What to do next. At the end of your article, tell the reader what to do next. You want them to click the link at the end of your article and make a purchase. But you tell them that they’ll ‘learn more’ or ‘find out’ by clicking the link. Or you discreetly place the link without saying anything hoping that they’ll click it as the next logical thing to do.

Readers first and foremost must be entertained by what they read. No one wants dry, boring text. What you write must make them curious to know more. Pose questions that they might be thinking about, but don’t answer them. Your article is for marketing, not teaching. So tell them what they need to know but not how to do it.

End the article by telling them what to do next which is usually clicking a link or signing up for something. If you don’t tell them what to do next, or at least hint at it with a link, it will feel as though your article finished at a dead end.

And while we’re on the subject of what to do next, click the link below and download a copy of ‘Fast & Profitable Article Writing’ and discover how many ways you can write and profit from online articles.

Fast & Profitable Article Writing


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