Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A 12-Month Article Marketing Strategy

 It’s now January 2022 and there is another full year ahead to reach your full writing and earning potential.

So let me ask you a question. How was the past year? How much did you write and how much did you earn?

No matter what your answer is, this year, plan to do better.

Have a goal in mind of what you want to do. You need an article marketing strategy.

Ask yourself, what are you trying to sell? What is it that you’re trying to convince your readers to do?

You have to know what it is you want so that you can achieve it in the next year.

Don’t just think about it, write it out. Committing things to paper makes them so much easier to understand and to see exactly what it is that you’re doing. Once you’re clear about what you want, then you can create a plan to achieve it, a plan to make it happen.

And most importantly (and I CANNOT emphasise this enough), work your plan. Carry it out over the next 12 months. Don’t let anything stop you. Ignore distractions, because that’s all they are. They are there to distract you and they serve no other purpose.

Give up things that are less important, or unimportant, like TV watching, hanging out in bars, gossip, social media, and shopping for unnecessary things, and use that time on your article marketing instead.

Having a plan makes the rest of the work so much easier because all the big decisions have been made and a writing and marketing schedule is set out and ready for you to follow it step-by-step for one whole, profitable year.

Make this your best year ever.

Build a Lucrative Niche Website - In A Month