Friday, October 16, 2020

The Crucial Importance of Article Marketing Speed

 “Money loves speed.” This is something I learned from author and online guru Joe Vitale. ( And it’s so true.

It works for article marketing too.

You see, some people think that to earn more money writing articles, the quality of your writing is most important. But I disagree.

The writers who make the most money are those who outwork the others. That’s why writing more articles can earn you more money. 

Wasting time correcting your work and worrying if it’s good enough won’t help. But writing faster will, because the more you write, the better and faster you’ll get.

I was reading about someone recently who writes 100 articles a week, and his articles are all over 1,000 words each, and this is only part of how he earns money.

How does he do it? He said he simply collects every idea he gets and sits down and writes every day. He said that writing is something he’s very fast at because he does it so much.

So if you treat every idea as a gift and write it down straight away, you’ll never lose one.

Write fast, publish fast, submit fast.

It’s not thinking about doing something that keeps you motivated, it’s productivity.

The more you do, the more you’ll want to do.

And now would be a great time to start.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or Less
Including Research, Writing and Proof Reading