Friday, September 23, 2022

How to Write Marketing Articles That Earn Money

AI writing software that will write 10,000 words for you FREE
Marketing articles have only one purpose. To earn money. This is marketing 101, to get people’s attention and to get them to want to buy what you’re selling.

But what are you selling?

If you’re writing an online article, it’s because you want people to come to your site, or your client’s site, and read the article.

There are 3 ways an online marketing article can earn money - 

- To sell a product/service
- To sell an affiliated product/service for commission
- To generate income from on-page advertisements

At the same time, your article must contain valuable/useable information and be entertaining to read so that it keeps the reader’s attention.

But how do you do that?

People read online articles because they’re looking for a solution to a problem. So this is what your article must do. It must address the reader’s problem and guide them to a solution, which is the product or service you’re promoting, or to get them to click on an advertisement.

But keep in mind that you’re not selling a product or service. You’re selling a solution to a problem.  And it needs to be an effortless and simple solution.

Let me give you an example of what I mean.

No one wants to train their dog. They just want an obedient dog. So don’t talk about how long it takes or what training a dog entails. Just talk about how great it will be to have an obedient dog, because that’s the solution they want.

Know what your readers are looking for and then write a marketing article all about it that guides them effortlessly from problem to solution.

Fast & Profitable Article Writing

Friday, August 12, 2022

This Could Be the Future of Article Marketing

Jasper AI Intelligent writing software

I don't normally write blog posts that are 100% marketing, but I had to make an exception in this case because this product is getting rave reviews and seems to be helping many writers with their article marketing.

Jasper is AI software that can not only write for you, but can also help you come up with writing ideas. 

It also understands SEO so can use keywords to write original blog posts that rank well in search engine results.

And for a short time you can use it for free.

It's brand new AI writing software and some of the things it can do are:

  • Create original content that ranks for SEO
  • Generate educational blog articles that are keyword-rich and plagiarism-free.
  • End writer’s block with ideas from a robot
  • If you're stuck staring at a blank page, Jasper can write creative copy for you.
  • Finish your first draft 10X faster
  • Tell Jasper about what you want and then watch the AI write paragraphs in seconds.
  • Scale up your content marketing fast
  • Repurpose existing content and generate new content.
  • Breakthrough the language barrier
  • No matter your native tongue, write creatively and clearly in 25+ languages.
  • Boost ad conversions with better copy
  • Easily write and test more copy variations to increase sales and improve ROAS.

I've generated a special offer for you to try Jasper for free. 

Let Jasper write 10,000 words for you at no cost.

Just click the link below, watch the short video (optional) and sign up.

If nothing else, the video is fascinating to watch.

Jasper AI Free trial

Friday, March 18, 2022

Killer Online Content Strategies That Can Turn You Into a Highly-Paid Writer

 Being a writer means more than writing books or writing online articles.

There’s another way that writers have been earning 6-figure incomes for years now, and that is, writing killer online content to increase traffic, attract a bigger audience, and drive sales of their own books, products, or affiliate products.

I recently read a fascinating report about online content strategies and how they can be used to increase writing income to a 6-figure salary. I’ve rewritten some of the information from the report here so that you can understand these online writing and marketing strategies.

What is a strategy?

A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve an overall aim.

Content marketing must have a business objective in mind. The object of any marketing strategy should be to increase sales.

Content is the key to attracting an audience.

But not just any old content and not just any old audience.

That’s why creative writers are indispensable to digital marketing.

A marketer must guide the audience to advance shared ideas and aspirations and lead them toward success of whatever it is they want to do.

This takes creativity, strategy and technology.

The way to become a great writer, is to write.

Online businesses, to be successful, need to be built with content marketing, using a combination of audience-focused content and direct response copywriting techniques, plus the use of email marketing, SEO, social media, landing pages and optimising conversion.

Few people succeed online by just writing. You need to specialise in content creation, rather than being just a writer.

You need to pick a specific niche to specialise in, but within that niche you have to be a generalist so that you can do much more than just write.

Automation has become an indispensable aspect of content marketing when it comes to emails and online marketing.

Having a strategy is what’s missing from most content marketing and it’s why content fails to convert as well as it should.

Only 41% of companies doing content marketing have a documented strategy.

Creative writers need to make sure they have the right skills for content marketing.

Even a mediocre writer can make more sales with a better strategy.

A smart content marketing strategy forces you to really understand your audience so that you can help them become who they want to be.

Your content should guide your audience on a journey to your product. Guide them on a buyer’s journey in a strategic fashion. Do it in a creative, and often unexpected way, to enhance their experience.

A top tier professional writer uses these 5 things:

- Creativity

- Strategy

- Empathy

- Imagination

- Communication

in all their content creation.

To stay up to date with changes in technology and opportunities for writers, it takes a lot of ongoing learning. Some things we learn along the way, others we have to seek the answers ourselves. 

You don’t need to learn every aspect of digital marketing, just a general familiarity with it all, with your main focus on content creation.

You do need expertise in:

- Strategy

- Traffic

- Audience

You need a working knowledge of all three with a specialty in one of them for your content to be effective.


Strategic thinking is necessary for effective content creation. Anyone can improve in this area with time and focused attention.

- Marketing strategy

This is accomplished by mapping out a buyer’s journey, by formulating a documented content marketing strategy, then creating the content to execute the strategy.

- Systems strategy

This is a systematic approach to content creation that includes strategic productivity, workflows, and technology systems, to create a well-oiled marketing machine.

- Strategic partnerships

Marketing partnerships and strategic collaborations, when done right, not only attract bigger and more targeted audiences, but produce perfect partnerships and affiliates.


Content can increase site visits and opt-ins, and it takes a special kind of expertise to get people to join, journey, and buy.

- Online advertising

Social media can be. Used as a targeted, effective, and free form of advertising.

- S E O

This is a long-term game that provides a steady stream of organic traffic. Creativity plus technical skill leads to good ranking.

- Analytics and Conversions

This data can be used to make decisions and adjustments to help convert cold traffic into leads using good copywriting skills.


Audience is king, not content or traffic, yet you need these two to attract the right audience. Knowing how to grow, engage, and understand an audience means being much more than a content writer, and being able to do so much more.

- Email automation

Once you understand your audience, email automation adds value for both you and them. It’s also simple to implement.

- Email analytics

This allows you to find out what content your subscribers prefer and what products they desire. Understand this data by paying attention at a strategic level to know how this data is helpful.

- Segmentation

Segmenting your audience helps to deliver more personalised content. Technology can help you do that.

These three areas, Strategy, Traffic, and Audience are everything when it comes to digital marketing, but you still need strong copy (content).

And it all starts with learning the right skills and strategies and implementing them.

Don’t waste another day.

Knowing and using the right writing and marketing skills will increase sales of your books and affiliate products.

Download Self Publish Worldwide, a simple guide to self publishing.

No cost. No Signup. Just download and start publishing.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Are You Aiming At The Right Subscribers?

 Subscribers are important. There’s no doubt about it. They are the life-blood of every online business.

But you don’t want just any subscribers. You want the right subscribers.

You want buyers.

Getting the right targeted subscribers is a long-term game. It’s easy to attract a lot of subscribers, but you need to attract buyers.

Buyers are worth 10-times more than free subscribers.

So how Do You Get Buyers?

Make it free for anyone to subscribe but make it clear what you’re offering and the type of information they’ll be receiving.

Soon after they sign up, offer them a cheap product.

Carry on emailing them with a mix of content and sales offers.

And if you can write articles, you can write books.

Many bloggers collate their online articles into a book and sell them or expand short articles into book chapters.

It’s an easy and free way to recycle your blog posts for money.

If you’ve never self published your own books before, it’s easy.

I tell you how to do it in my free report, Self Publish Worldwide, a simple guide to self publishing.

Download a copy now.

No sign up required.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A 12-Month Article Marketing Strategy

 It’s now January 2022 and there is another full year ahead to reach your full writing and earning potential.

So let me ask you a question. How was the past year? How much did you write and how much did you earn?

No matter what your answer is, this year, plan to do better.

Have a goal in mind of what you want to do. You need an article marketing strategy.

Ask yourself, what are you trying to sell? What is it that you’re trying to convince your readers to do?

You have to know what it is you want so that you can achieve it in the next year.

Don’t just think about it, write it out. Committing things to paper makes them so much easier to understand and to see exactly what it is that you’re doing. Once you’re clear about what you want, then you can create a plan to achieve it, a plan to make it happen.

And most importantly (and I CANNOT emphasise this enough), work your plan. Carry it out over the next 12 months. Don’t let anything stop you. Ignore distractions, because that’s all they are. They are there to distract you and they serve no other purpose.

Give up things that are less important, or unimportant, like TV watching, hanging out in bars, gossip, social media, and shopping for unnecessary things, and use that time on your article marketing instead.

Having a plan makes the rest of the work so much easier because all the big decisions have been made and a writing and marketing schedule is set out and ready for you to follow it step-by-step for one whole, profitable year.

Make this your best year ever.

Build a Lucrative Niche Website - In A Month