Friday, November 13, 2020

Why I Love Article Marketing!

By Charlie Page 

I do article marketing every week and always will.

If you are not doing article marketing now, or trying to but not succeeding, let me share why I love it and how it can help you too.

Article marketing works better than many paid methods of advertising.

There are two core truths about article marketing:

One - article marketing creates totally free traffic year after year after year. I still get traffic from articles I wrote and submitted in 2007!

Two - Blogging IS article marketing. So if you have a blog now, you are in the article marketing business already!

Here are the top ten reasons I love article marketing:

1. Article Marketing works

If you look at the history of what work online you will see a pattern. There are short term players who create a big splash, then fade away.

There are SO many people who have promised "the next big thing," that have climbed the gravity ladder and then fell, never to be seen again.

Then there are long term players.

Men and women who share their knowledge openly for the benefit of all, knowing that people who like their message will respond and buy their products.

Three examples are: Paul Myers at TalkBi, and Brian Clark at Copyblogger, and Jimmy Brown at Imstitute.

All three are article marketers, all three have thriving businesses and strong reputations.

2. Article marketing builds credibility

When people trust you and believe what you say, they buy from you. They listen to you. They rely on you.

They trust you. This is more valuable that almost any other asset you can earn. Yes, I said earn. There are no shortcuts here. You simply give your best.

I make sales every time I send an email to my list. Why? Because I have worked hard to give the people on my list true value, before asking for anything in return. These are good people who want to learn, grow and have a real business online.

You can join my list and read helpful articles for *years* and never be required to buy anything at all.

That activity builds trust. Best of all, it helps people.

And that's what's it is all about. At the end of my days it won't be the money I will be counting - it will be the people helped. Not preaching, that's just how I see it.

If your focus is giving, more than receiving, it will all work out. The making money online part of the equation will take care of itself. I have seen that happen many times.

3. Article writing can be outsourced

Don't want to write or like to write? No problem. You don't have to!

However, there is both good and bad news-- when it comes to outsourcing.

The bad news is that you can't expect to pay $5 per article and end up with a good product. You'll end up with some spun article that will get you slapped.

The good news is that there are terrific writers online who love to write, love to work from home and will write excellent articles for an affordable price.

These articles will belong to you. They will be your articles, never to be sold or used by another person. You own the copyright.

The best writer I know online is Meredith Pond. She doesn't even know I'm writing this, but she is flat out the best in the business in my view.

Two more resources I use personally are Elance and VA Classroom. I have purchased excellent copywriting at both.

4. Article marketing is durable

The lifeblood of the Internet is information. Without unique high-quality information Google goes out of business.

When YOU become the information supplier, you are rewarded with more and more visitors, year after year.

I still get visitors from articles I wrote years ago!

My motto is simple -- do the work once and profit many times!

Article marketing does that.

5. Article marketing pre-sells

While giving away content is great, you still need to sell something, right?

With article marketing you can do both.

An article marketing approach (to pre-selling an idea) would be to start a blog about your idea. You write articles about the hows, whys, what to do and what to avoid, etc. Post to your blog. While using social media, like Squidoo or Facebook are great, remember your own blog is KEY.

Now people visit your blog and read informative articles without any pressure.

When they do this, they will be pre-sold on the idea and very likely buy from you --- the friend who helped them get their questions answered and was so helpful.

And because your blog will live online as long as you want it to (unlike an ad that runs once and is gone forever) you have created real leverage.

You've done the work once and profited many times.

6. Article marketing creates better visitors

When you write articles that help people (like this one I hope!) you can place those articles on sites, like article directories and on other blogs, for other audiences to enjoy.

When that happens you reach more people and they get to know you for the first time.

All without spending any money!

So why "better" visitors? When people read your article on another blog or article directory first, and then visit your blog, they WANT to know more about you.

Visitors coming because they WANT to know more is far better than the person who just Googles and clicks.

7. So few are doing it well

Marketing online is funny. Once something is discovered that works well, you can count on some "shortcut" or "three click miracle" way of doing it popping up.

It happened with article marketing.

The hype boys noticed that article marketing worked, and created spinners and robots and scrapers to "do the work for you." These miracle inventions would even submit your articles for you to *millions* of websites!

Of course, that doesn't work. But people bought into it, spending their time and money trying it... because it sounded easy and fast.

If the same people had saved their money, and written just two articles a week during that time, they would be so much farther along.

With so few doing article marketing well, now is the perfect time for you to get in the game.

8. Articles can be repurposed

I also love that articles make great content on other venues. Here are a few ideas:

Use short snips from your articles on Twitter.

Post excerpts to Facebook.

Add articles to your follow up series

Combine articles into a report that becomes your viral marketing piece.

Make a Powerpoint presentation from your articles and create video for YouTube and other sharing sites.

Record your videos to create a podcast.

Combine articles into a book to sell on Kindle or on your own blog or site!

Write the article once and profit many times. Good motto.

9. Article marketing creates quality back links

When your articles are published on other websites you get a link from that site. When those sites are of high quality, Google pays attention and gives you more attention... and more visitors.

Simple, really.

The thing is, you just can't fool Google. So why bother "blasting" your article to "hundreds of thousands" of blogs or sites that no human will ever visit, when you can do it right.

10. Article marketing builds your list

There is no better list builder out there. While list swaps and solo ads are *faster* at building lists, article marketing will bring you *better* subscribers.

How are they better?

Because they have already read your work and like it. Now they want to know more.

And having someone want to know more about you, and what you offer, is extremely powerful.

So there you have it, the 10 reasons I love article marketing so much. Let me encourage you to get more information about article writing and article marketing.

It's morning on the Internet my friend. And now is the time for you to stake your claim and build your business.

Because having an automated thriving online business is a beautiful thing indeed!


Charlie Page owns the Directory of Ezines and is the author of 10 books about Internet marketing. Through his membership sites and personal consulting, Charlie helps people achieve their goal of independence in record time. Can Charlie help you? Find out at

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Crucial Importance of Article Marketing Speed

 “Money loves speed.” This is something I learned from author and online guru Joe Vitale. ( And it’s so true.

It works for article marketing too.

You see, some people think that to earn more money writing articles, the quality of your writing is most important. But I disagree.

The writers who make the most money are those who outwork the others. That’s why writing more articles can earn you more money. 

Wasting time correcting your work and worrying if it’s good enough won’t help. But writing faster will, because the more you write, the better and faster you’ll get.

I was reading about someone recently who writes 100 articles a week, and his articles are all over 1,000 words each, and this is only part of how he earns money.

How does he do it? He said he simply collects every idea he gets and sits down and writes every day. He said that writing is something he’s very fast at because he does it so much.

So if you treat every idea as a gift and write it down straight away, you’ll never lose one.

Write fast, publish fast, submit fast.

It’s not thinking about doing something that keeps you motivated, it’s productivity.

The more you do, the more you’ll want to do.

And now would be a great time to start.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or Less
Including Research, Writing and Proof Reading

Monday, July 27, 2020

How to Write and Benefit From Free Online Articles

By Bruce Jackson

You want more website traffic. You want more blog visitors and views. You want more opportunities to speak and present at conferences and industry trade shows. You want more credibility and desire more exposure.

What you need to do is write more articles for a broader audience. You need to allow your content to help you expand your potential opportunities. You can simply start by writing beyond your niche or speciality, creating articles that speak to a broader audience.

Develop Articles Beyond Your Niche

Having a speciality is well and good, but your audience is narrowed by your niche. Everyone is not interested in the history of weaving across the centuries. However, you can turn that idea into something appealing by putting more focus on what types of woven items sell best on Etsy or a how-to article on taking woven art and crafts to market both online and otherwise. The broadened topic allows you to expand your audience and increase your exposure.

To go beyond your niche, you have to get out of your own comfort zone and dig a little deeper to produce articles that have a broad appeal. Consider the how-to article. In order to develop a how-to article, you have to work step by step with the end product in mind by providing a procedural concept along the way. It may require more explanation because you want to appeal to the novice as much as you want to appeal to the experienced person. With how-to articles, you can rely on your experience, hobbies, research and education to serve as your resources. The goal is to broaden your appeal thereby broadening your audience.

How to Structure Your Articles

Your articles must appeal to a broader audience and that starts with structure. Consider the layout of your article. From title to type, your article needs to have an aesthetic appeal that includes shorten paragraphs, simple sentence structure and section headings with bullet point lists. By making your structure more appealing, readers will go beyond the headline and title to skim the article before fully reading it.

Your articles should at least be:


If you fail to capture the attention of the reader, then you have failed to attract the reader. From the very title of the article, you have to grab the reader's attention and hold the reader's interest by delivering on the topic promised via the title. Opening with an attention-grabbing first line or paragraph keeps readers glued to your article. However, you have to deliver with interesting content throughout the article.


Your articles need to provide readers with information that they did not have prior to seeing your title or reading your article. It can be either entirely new information or a totally different spin on a well-known topic. No matter how you approach your topic, you need to craft an article that remains informative on a variety of levels from novice to experienced. Allow for insights and innovative perspectives to draw readers further into your article. Include stats and facts that support your article's direction.


People read articles for more than just interest and information. People desire to be inspired. Allow readers to find inspiration through your articles. Stir up their interests to the point where they want more and desire to put some of your pointers into practice. Make readers feel like they can implement new ideas on their own or do something different by utilizing a step-by-step method that you have written about in your articles. You want to leave your readers feeling inspired to the point where they want to try out on their own.

Benefits of Free Online Articles

Writing free articles have their own inherent benefits. Some of these benefits include additional writing opportunities and paid speaking engagements, even information product sales.
Some other benefits of free articles include:
  • Increased website traffic
  • More blog visitors and views
  • Heightened exposure to a broader audience of readers
  • Increased credibility on topics and industries
You can gain a lot from writing free articles. You just have to be certain to make a wide range appeal and develop content that speaks to a variety of audience levels.

About the Author: Bruce Jackson serves as both founder and lead consultant with Life Path Consulting Services, a division of Life Path Ministries & Services, servicing nonprofit, small business and churches with a variety of services from fund development and strategic planning to staff development and training. He is also a poetic presenter and author of books of inspirational poetry and multiple e-books on ministry, community service and other topics.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

To Hand Write or Keyboard Write, That Is The Question

A while ago I was writing articles and publishing them online but I felt that they weren’t as good as they should be and I really wasn’t enjoying it.

Whenever I write, I always write outlines by hand, and for speed, I decided to write the articles on the keyboard.

But I wasn’t happy with the results so I kept editing them, walking away, coming back, and having another go at them. Then eventually I’d upload them and say I was done.

I kept telling myself that writing straight to the keyboard would eventually be quicker, and that outlining by hand was fine but I really needed to speed things up, and that once I was used to writing straight to the keyboard, I’d get quicker and more efficient.

After a few weeks though, I had to admit that working this way just didn’t work for me. I’m far more creative when I write by hand. I also realised that even though it seemed to take more time to write out everything using a pad and pencil and type it up later, it was actually faster overall, because I spent less time editing and correcting everything so much.

Also, I procrastinated less because I enjoy handwriting.

And most importantly, I realised that as long as I was writing, no matter which way I do it, I’m still moving forward.

I also have a great system of how I write and publish, which makes things even easier as well as fast.

So if you prefer to handwrite your articles, don’t think it slows you down, because in my experience, it doesn’t.

How I Earned Over $4,000 Writing Articles  in Just One Day

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Earn More Money As An Affiliate Marketer

If you look around online, you’ll see that affiliate marketing is not only an ongoing hot topic, but thousands of people are earning an incredible amount of money this way.

And because it’s so lucrative, there are even people selling ready-made affiliate niche blogs.

I’ve done my own fair share of affiliate marketing over the years and at one time I had nine niche websites all earning money through affiliate marketing.

And there’s no doubt in my mind that if I’d put all my effort into it, I could have earned a good living this way. But it wasn’t something that I wanted to devote all my time to because there was other writing that I wanted to do.

But for anyone who wants to become an affiliate marketer or wants to do more of it, setting up niche blogs, or buying those that are already set up and earning money, this can be quite a lucrative business. I’m not saying that you’ll earn a high-figure income straight away, but it is possible to make sales quickly.

What’s great about affiliate marketing, is that once you’ve set up an affiliate offer and written all your content, it can go on working and earning money for years. I’m still getting clicks and earning money from an affiliate link I used to promote a product about 10 years ago, and that’s because the product is really good and is still available. (

All it takes is to find good products with a great offer and then write blog posts, marketing articles, social media posts and emails to promote them to as many people as possible, within the right market.

And once you’ve set it all up, you can leave it to go on earning money, while you set up another one, or you can get to work on other projects.

If you want to know more, you can learn more about how Super Affiliate, Rosalind Gardner, has earned millions from affiliate marketing and teaches others how she does it.

This is a product I bought myself years ago and I still use it today.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Remote Workers: How to Stay Secure Online While Working from Home

Image from
This is a guest post from

Before the pandemic hit, the remote work industry had been growing at a fast pace. When the pandemic hit, though, a lot of businesses were forced to close down their physical offices.
For some of these people, the work still has to go on.
While those that have been in the freelance/ remote work industry for long now know how to keep themselves safe against threats online, that might not be the same for those that have been forced into the same shoes.
This is why we have come up with a piece to help you secure yourself better while working from home.
Secure your Logins
There are a series of applications that you now have to use on your home network. Most of these are sensitive work apps that you never log into outside work, but that is changing already.
The first thing to do would be beefing up the login process and protocols.
One of the ways to do so is by changing your passwords to be extra secure. For that, we recommend using an online password generator. Besides, you should also get a password manager to store all of your unique passwords. 
Finally, ensure you never use one password for multiple accounts.

Backup Your Files
As you go into work (remotely) every day, ensure you have backed your files and data up to at least the previous week. 
Since you cannot always go back into the office to get some files if you don't see them anymore, it would make sense to have a backup copy of everything that you are doing right now. In the case of a security breach, that will also ensure that you can wipe your device entirely and restore it from backup.  
We are not saying that is the only fix, but we are saying that you will be prepared for the extreme cases too.
Finally, you get the added advantage of having a backup that you can take back to work (to update your work computer with) when the pandemic is over.

Download Security Apps
The chances are that your workplace used to provide all the security apps and protocols on the internal network. Now that you are not working from there, it is up to you to get the same level of security going. 
You can do this by downloading security apps to suit your needs.
For us, we recommend that you download the best VPN and antivirus software that you can find, for starters.
The VPN will help you to encrypt your internet traffic/ data while the antivirus protects you against malware. Depending on your specific needs, you can then go seek out other security software.

Avoid Unencrypted Networks
We would have preferred this heading to be that you avoid public Wi-Fi networks, but they are not the only kinds of unencrypted networks you could come across. Sometimes, even your network might not be as safe as you think. 
The problem with unencrypted networks is how they expose you to the wrong side of the internet.
On the one hand, this could mean that you become a victim of one of those man-in-the-middle attacks. Likewise, a hacker could install different kinds of malware on your network – and this affects all the devices that you have connected to such a network.
Again, you will benefit from the VPN that we recommended up there through its encryption service.

Beware of Phishing Attacks
Since you are now working from home, most of your communication is taken online, which creates a massive opportunity for exploitation through phishing emails.
How do you know if something looks fishy? Always doublecheck any address sending you a mail before you open it at all. In the same vein, never download attachments in emails if they are from unsolicited sources. Even if the email seems to be coming from a trusted source, it doesn’t hurt you anything to scan the attachment with an antivirus software first.
The same goes for links in emails. It would be better to type the link into your browser by yourself rather than follow the email link. For all you know, it could be a spam/ phishing link.

Accessing Company Resources
It is often said that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In this case, you don't want to be the weak link to your company's assets.
If it ever happens that you need to access anything on the company’s servers from your home, only do so via an encrypted network. We have discussed how you can do this with a VPN above.
Otherwise, you run the risk of opening a backdoor into your company's servers due to your unsecured connection. We don’t need to be the ones to tell you how much of a disaster that could mean.

Dedicate Computers
It would be wise to keep all work files on a work computer – and there alone.
The kind of sync that many of the internet apps and services we use now provide us could be a costly convenience. This is why we never recommend syncing your work email from your work computer to an everyday phone. 
Of course, doing so means that you get to access your mails and other services on-the-go, but you are also leaving one more source of entry into such accounts.
Even if you have secured the work files and accounts on the work computer, the other units that you have synced the same data with might not be as secure. 

Final Words

These might sound like a lot of changes to you, but they are only there to make your life easier and better. By the time you are done applying all these tips, you will be able to sleep better.
If you have not already started securing your remote work processes, now is the time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Content May Be King, But Engagement Is Queen

Every online writer knows the saying that ‘content is king.’ And while that is true, it’s also more (much more) important to remember that ‘engagement is queen.’

You see, it’s no good writing articles if all anyone does is read them without engaging with what they've read, which means that what you write needs to compel them to want to act. So your content must be convincing, influential and persuasive.

So if you want to make money online as an article marketer, there are three steps you need to take to get up and running (and earning) fast.

  1. Choose a profitable niche. It’s no good choosing to write about a subject that isn’t highly profitable. If you want to make money online you need to attract buyers, not just readers. You need to know who your target audience is and what they’re looking for online.
  2. Next, you need to get your niche site up and running fast. Your site doesn’t have to be great and it doesn’t even have to be pretty. To quote the great online marketer, Mike Litman, ‘you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.’ You can always make changes later if you want to.
  3. Fill your site with compelling content. The important word here is ‘compelling.’ Your content must create engagement. It must make the reader eager to find out more once they’ve finished reading.

So what is engagement? It’s whatever the reader does next. It could be that they click a link you provide or share your article, or mention you in their article, or link to your article from their website or from their social media page.

Whatever the engagement is, it will result in more sales, more readers or more targeted buyers.

And it all starts with 3 simple steps.

Killer Content
Do you want over 150,000 private label articles, 986+ Categories, automatic push-button ebook creator, multi-site timed auto-blogging?

In other words, multiple blogs with killer content, all on autopilot?

Click below to get your own Killer Content.

Friday, March 27, 2020

How to Make Your Writing Ludicrously Spectacular

Today I have for you a real information-packed video by writer and marketer, Ann Handley.

It's all about writing, researching and making more money from your writing.

Just click the video below and enjoy.


Monday, March 23, 2020

This Is How You Earn Even More From Writing Articles

Writing articles is one of the ways I make quite a substantial amount of my writing income. I write online articles, emails and I do a bit of freelance article writing too.

Other writers earn money writing articles by writing for clients, PPC advertising and article marketing.

But one of the ways I use articles for more income, is through affiliate marketing.

If I can get the right affiliate product in front of the right audience and write curiosity-invoking articles, I make sales. Of course, I'm not saying that it works like magic and that all I have to do is write and publish one article and I make money, but it sometimes seems like that.

You see the great thing about writing online articles is that they stay online for years. So sometimes, I'll make an affiliate sale from an article I wrote years ago. So while I'm writing new articles, I'm still earning a passive income from my old articles.

I also use autoresponder emails for a greater impact on my marketing. These are more personal so my customers feel as though I'm talking directly to them, rather than they're just reading my online content.

And when I make sure that I only promote products that my customers actually need (or want) then they're more likely to buy again from me. I have quite a few customers who have bought many products from me.

Another way to get ongoing passive affiliate income is to promote things that have recurring billing such as subscriptions and services because they are most likely to have recurring commissions too.

But not all people can see that they need what I'm selling so I use curiosity in my content to make them intrigued enough to click the links to find out more or to sign up for my emails so that I can carry on promoting products to them.

But however you want to use your article writing talent to sell affiliate products, just remember that curiosity provides more buying power than desire.

Get your customers to click more and you can earn more from every article you write.

For a limited time, you can really accelerate your affiliate marketing with Affiliate Promo Formula.

This is a product that usually retails for around $100. But for a limited time, you can get your own copy for just $5. I have no idea how long this offer is going to last so click the link below to take advantage of it.

Affiliate Promo Formula can take you instantly from affiliate to super affiliate.

Try it and see. It's only $5 (the price of a coffee).

Affiliate Promo Formula

Sunday, March 22, 2020

10 Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Income

I don't know about you but I love earning money as an affiliate marketer. My article writing and affiliate income go hand in hand.

But contrary to popular belief, earning money (or at least a substantial or even good amount of money) from affiliate marketing takes a lot more than just putting up banners on a website and hoping that visitors will click on them. Although that does work, it doesn't work THAT great.

Instead, it's better to find ways to increase affiliate income from a few extra dollars to a few hundred/thousand sales, and below are 10 tips to help you do that.

1. Find products that fill your subscribers' needs. You can't sell something to someone who doesn't want it so make sure the products you promote are what your subscribers and website visitors need/want.

2. Promote good value products, not junk. Don't just think about the money you can make from each sale. Think about the value you're providing to your customers if you want more sales.

3. Always look for more products to promote. There are always more products coming onto the market all the time, and it's simple math that the more things you have to sell, the more sale you can make.

4. Always plan ahead for new product launches. Many online marketers announce their new products before they are available so that affiliates can get their promotional materials ready. That way, as soon as the product hits the market, you can be one of the first to offer it.

5. Look for products with a JV competition. Many online marketers also offer affiliate competitions so that those who make the most sales in a short time win large prizes as well as their affiliate commissions.

6. Sell high ticket items. When you sell high ticket items you naturally earn a higher commission. So, for instance, one sale of a $6,000 treadmill could earn you $600 commission whereas you'd have to make 10 sales of a lower ticket item that pays out $60 commission. Not all your products need to be high ticket, but it helps.

7. Sell items with recurring billing. Often online courses or subscriptions for services come with recurring billing and include recurring commissions for affiliates. These are great for ongoing passive income.

8. Write online content that is curiosity-provoking and builds intrigue so that customers can't help but click the link and buy the product.

9. Use social media to help build interest in the products you're promoting or to get them to read your online content. It's a fast way to market.

10. Find a good email company and create autoresponder emails for those who are not quite ready to buy or those who want to know more. 

Success with affiliate marketing depends entirely on you. There are so many different types of affiliate marketers ranging from those who are just looking for an extra bit of money through to the super affiliates like Rosalind Gardner who earn six figures a year.

These super affiliates really know what they're doing and they know which are the best products to promote.

Naturally, there's a lot more to becoming a super affiliate than just that, but as you learn more you can earn more, plus, like anything in life, the more you do it the easier it gets.

If you want to get started on the road to becoming a super affiliate, for a limited time, you can download Affiliate Promo Formula that guides you all the way from finding a product to earning thousands of dollars every month. And it's all yours for only $5. Can you believe that?

Just $5 will get you this huge course that will help you to become one of the world's super affiliates.

Click the link below to find out more.

I can't believe this course is now almost being given away. But be quick because I don't know how long this limited-time offer will last.

Affiliate Promo Formula

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Work From Home as An Affiliate Marketer. It's Not As Hard as You Might Think

The current situation of the Coronavirus forcing people to stay home, is making more and more people look for ways to earn money online.

One of the most popular ways is through affiliate marketing, although it can seem daunting if you've never done it before. But the good news is that it's not difficult at all.

Naturally, how much money you make as an affiliate marketer depends entirely on what you do, how you do it and the products you promote. It also depends on how much work you put into it. And yes, it does take work, but not a lot if you know what you're doing and you do it right.

But if you're interested in getting started, then I'll tell you how easy it can be.

First of all you don't need to be an online tech wizard. If you can use a computer and you're intelligent, you can be an affiliate marketer.

It's easy to find products to promote because online research makes it easy. Reviews of products are extremely helpful and if you buy the product yourself, then you can market it much more easily.

And the way you market it to maximise sales is through email. You just need to find a good email marketing company so that you can set up automated emails for customers to sign up to. You then automate your emails to be sent out in a series over a few days or weeks, each one building on the one before it to entice your customers to make a purchase.

With a good email marketing company you can also set up your blog posts to be automatically emailed to your list too, and it only takes a few minutes a day to post on social media to let people know that they can sign up for your emails.

Some people use affiliate marketing to earn extra money online while others are known as super affiliates and they earn all their income from their marketing, some even earn up to half a million dollars a year.

So if you want to work from home as an affiliate marketer, or you're already doing it but you want to earn even more, how much you earn depends on you, but it's something that is easy to do, free to set up and, when done correctly, can go on earning you passive income for years.

And as an added bonus, not only is this shut-in time the best time to get started, or to do more marketing, you can download Affiliate Promo Formula for only $5. This is a limited time offer (and I don't know how limited) but it's a saving of nearly $100. 

So click the link below and find out how you can accelerate your affiliate earnings to a full-time income working from home, starting today.

Affiliate Promo Formula

Friday, March 20, 2020

You Don't Need a Big List To Make More Affiliate Sales...But It Helps

I've always found that email is one of the most effective ways to market products, including affiliate products.

Some people, in fact many people, believe that in order to make enough affiliate sales, you need a big email list. But this isn't true.

It's not the size of your list that counts, although it can REALLY help, but it depends on the people on your list and the product you're promoting as well as how you're promoting it.

In fact, affiliate marketing can earn you a substantial income even with a small list, but only if you do it correctly.

And here are 3 helpful tips to help you get started, even if you currently have no list at all:

1. Set up an email account with a reputable email marketing company.

2.  Drive traffic to your affiliate offers by writing epic articles that others want to share, and use social media for instant marketing. Also, offer a free product (it can be as simple as a small ebook) for new subscribers and write guest articles for other websites and blogs. These are all fast and easy ways to get more customers quickly.

3. Send emails that entertain, have curiosity-invoking subject lines and contain useable tips and information. And don't use hype because it won't help you sell anything and can be off-putting to genuine customers.

If you want to get going fast, you can set up a free blog with Google's Blogger (if you don't already have a site of your own) and with an email marketing campaign, it gives you plenty of time to get your first product launch off the ground and earning affiliate income in less than a month.

And if you need even more help, for a limited time (and I don't know how much time) you can get Affiliate Promo Formula for just $5. That's nearly a $100 saving.

But like I said, I don't know how long this discount will last so click the link below before you miss out.

Affiliate Promo Formula

Thursday, March 19, 2020

3 Steps to More Affiliate Sales

There are thousands of article writers all over the world earning money through affiliate marketing. And the reason is because it's such a lucrative way to earn money from article writing.

But to make more money, you have to know how to do it right and here are three things that can help you to make more affiliate sales.

1. Market honestly. There are far too many people using hype to sell anything to anyone. Don't do that. Be honest in your marketing. Don't lie. Don't use hype. The best way to market is to pretend you're selling something face-to-face. Just think of what you'd say and write that down instead.

2. Stand out from the crowd. Don't be a sheep and follow the usual affiliate herd. There are so many affiliates who think they can make sales just by going to the affiliate tool page of the product they want to promote and sending out the hypie email copy word-for-word without even trying to make it sound like they wrote it themselves. That's one of the worst things you can do. To increase your affiliate sales you need to rise above the usual affiliate 'noise' and be different.

3. Don't promote garbage. Your customers trusting you is of the utmost importance and once their trust is gone, it's gone for good, so don't try and sell them something useless just because you think you can make a lot of money from it. You might fool them once, or even twice. But after that, they won't trust what you're selling and sales will not only plummet, but may well never increase again.

And these three things are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of what you should be doing.

So if you want to earn money (or more money than you ever have done before) through affiliate marketing, do it right and you'll generate more sales regardless of your list size or whether you're a new or a seasoned affiliate marketing pro.

There has never been a better time to learn more about affiliate marketing.
For a limited time Affiliate Promo Formula, which usually sells for around $100, is now only $5.

That's right. Just $5!

But be quick because I have no idea how long it will last, so click on the link below right now.

Affiliate Promo Formula

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

5 Simple Ways You Can Earn Money Writing Articles

If you enjoy doing short writing projects rather than long book-length works, then you can earn money several different ways from writing articles.

And here we’ll look at just 5 of them.

 1. Blog posts. This one is easy. You write informative articles for your site to attract readers who might want to buy your products, or your affiliate products or click on your PPC ads. The more articles you write and upload, the more money you can make.

2. Marketing. People won’t read the articles on your site until they know they’re there. So you can write short marketing articles and upload them to online directories like to drive more traffic to your site. Or put links to your articles in your social media accounts.

3. Client work. It’s possible to earn a great income writing for private clients. You can advertise your article writing services on your website or blog, or use a freelance writing site to bid for jobs or upload your writing resume`.

4. Guest posts. This is another type of article marketing. Write extremely informative and entertaining articles and offer them to other blogs/websites as guest posts. If your articles get published on quality sites, it can bring an instant stampede of visitors back to yours.

5. PLR articles. These are articles that you write and sell as a bundle of 20 or 50 articles. These are sold copyright-free so whoever purchases them can do as they please with them. This is an easy way to make money because you can sell the same bundle up to 20 or 50 times (there needs to be a limit on distribution or no one will buy them).

Once you start writing articles regularly you’ll discover even more ways to earn money from them.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or Less
This amazing book also comes with two bonus chapters:

  • How to write one article 7 different Ways
  • 10 ways to make money writing articles
Get your copy today. Order a paperback copy or download a digital edition now.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Little-Known ‘Secret’ To Writing More

I used to think that to write more I needed to spend more time writing.

And to expand that even further, to write A LOT more, I needed to spend A LOT more time writing.

In the beginning this was true. The more time I sat and wrote, the more writing I got done.

It was slow progress.

At the same time, I started to hear a lot about having a daily writing habit. It was said that the more often you write, the easier it gets, so you can write more in less time.

For a while, I didn’t believe it. I mean, I could already write, so I couldn’t see any way that I could write faster. How on earth could writing every day make my fingers work faster?

Eventually, out of sheer curiosity, I tried it, and it was a ‘Doh!’ moment for me when I realised it worked.

So I can tell you it’s true. Writing daily makes it quicker.

It’s just like driving a car or mowing the lawn or cooking dinner. The more you do it, the easier and faster it gets.

And that’s when I created my 15-minute article writing system, to make it even faster.