Friday, March 29, 2019

Article Marketing Tips - Don't End the Success of Your Article Marketing Campaign With These Mistakes

Guest Post by Tim Gorman 

Article marketing is one of the best ways to promote your online business and quickly drive targeted traffic to your websites. The combination of creating high quality content which provides extreme value to the reader along with building inbound links back to a website are proven strategies known to increase the rankings of a website in the organic search engine results.

Running a successful article promotion campaign is one way to create hundreds of backlinks without having to email hundreds of webmasters asking for a link or joining online link farms which could actually harm your website.

Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of misinformation floating around the Internet when it comes to writing articles and this type of garbage can just as easily destroy the success of your article strategies and campaigns before it even gets off the ground.

For example:

Article marketing is nothing more than writing an informative article - This is completely false because in order to truly harness the power of an article promotion strategy for maximum ROI you need to focus on several components.

These include conducting proper niche and keyword research, knowing the mechanics behind constructing a real article and understanding where to place you identified keyword phrases within your article.

Article marketing requires the use of one formula to create your articles - Again, another false statement because there is no one-size-fits all when it comes to writing an article in order to obtain page views from visitors.

There are at least twenty or thirty different ways to write an article in order to properly interact with your intended target audience. It is vitally important to your success as an article marketer that you know how to utilize each technique for maximum effectiveness and ROI for each article you write.

Every article you create should cater to the intended target audience by answering their questions and addressing their concerns and problems. Some articles based on their subjects allow the use of technical terms while others require you to use easier to understand wording and sentences. This will be centered around the niche topic and the person you intend to have your article read by once they find it on the Internet.

Are you ready to learn more tips on how to write enticing articles in order to drive more visitors to your websites? 

If so then read the information below for a free report that for the first time uncovers how the top article marketers really make money using nothing but articles to generate thousands of daily visitors to their websites.

Finally revealed in a free report, the top article marketing strategies I use to get 29,000 new visitors a month to click my affiliate links, generate profits and achieve top website rankings using cutting edge article marketing techniques that are responsible for generating over 5.5 million page views to my submitted articles.

Helping You Make Money From Every Article You Write

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Speak Directly To Your Market Every Time You Write

Guest Article by Jan Verhoeff 

Have you ever started writing an article and realized you weren't sure who your market is? It's frustrating, because if you don't know, they for sure won't recognize themselves.

If you're a consultant, you know exactly who you're talking to. You can identify hair color, eye color, and style of dress, because you're looking directly at the person on the other side of the table, when you don a consultation with a specific customer. THAT is your market. Write to THAT person.

The first time a client read an article and called to ask if I'd written that article for them, I had to admit... Yes, I did. Because she was then, and still is now, one of my target clients.

The key is knowing who to put in that seat across the desk from you when you're writing.

Once you know who is in the chair, you can write to that person.

You, the person reading this right now... Yes, you. You are my target person. I can see you right now, across the desk from me, sipping your coffee, saying, "Nah... She isn't really writing this to me. I can't figure out who my target market is."

Well, there you go. I know who mine is, and it's you. You're the one who needs these key items most, because you've been writing article after article, not bringing in a single buying client, and you can't afford to keep wasting your time. So keep reading.

Know that I'm not being rude here... I just want you to get this, so we can move on. We have work to do, and I don't have all day, neither do you. And you're tired of paying me by the hour, to not get what you're paying for. So let's stop making excuses and put these key components of writing to your audience to work.

Let me get straight to the point here, and then I'll give you those bullet points. I've seen your content. You step around the topic like you're afraid of it, walking on eggs, afraid to make a mess. When the reality is, you just need to say it. Speak the truth and let your reader know that you understand their problem and you have a solution that works. Then tell them what your solution is and send them off with directions to put it into action.

Here's the solution to your problem.

How to speak directly to your market every time you write:

  • Put them in the chair in front of you.
  • Call them by name. 
  • Address their problem. 
  • Explain how you know what their problem is (you listened to them). 
  • Give them a list of the mistakes they've been making.
  • Tell them what to do instead of making those mistakes.
  • Give them the specific steps to solve their problem.

Can we just refill the coffee cups right now and talk this through? I know you're waiting for the answer, and you already have the solution to your content marketing problem. But maybe you need a bit more help on what kinds of articles to write?

I can help with that. Let's have coffee and chat. Visit my site at and let's have a cup of coffee to discuss the solutions you should be offering on your website.

Automated Marketing For Your Website Or Blog

Monday, March 25, 2019

More Money From Article Marketing Using Automated Ads

We all know that you can earn money from article writing by doing affiliate marketing or paid or PPC  ads.

These are the two most basic, free and easy things you can do.

But do you also know that you can earn money from your articles using automated advertising?

What this means is that you install a piece of script on your website or blog, and then you just write and the automated software will create links to words and products in your articles.

It's really easy to do. You just write and the software provides links for you.

There are several advertising companies you can use but I use Viglink for several reasons:

1. It has a really easy-to-use dashboard.
2. It places links to affiliated products without any help from me.
3. It has an 'Anywhere" app so I can check with one click to see if a product has an affiliate program with Viglink
4. There is no minimum payout so I don't have to wait for a large amount of money to accrue in my account before I get paid.

I mostly love the way that it is so automated so that if I mention a book or another product  I like, if Viglink is affiliated with that product, it will link to it automatically. It really doesn't get easier than that.

And if I'm looking online at a product and I want to know if Viglink can link to it, I just click on the 'Anywhere' app in my browser's toolbar, and a popup window will instantly tell me.

Using Viglink is an easy way to earn extra money from article marketing without having to do any extra work.

Try Viglink for yourself and see the difference it can make in your online article marketing income.


Friday, March 22, 2019

How to Get Better Quality Visitors to Your Site

It's easy to think that to make money online through article marketing, all you have to do is get more visitors to your site.

While having more visitors is good, there's more to it than that.

What you really need is not just more visitors, but better quality visitors. And by this, I don't mean you need better people, but you need to attract more buyers, not just visitors.

But how can you do that?

Take a look at bigger and better sites in your niche and by better, I mean they have more visitors and make a lot more money than you do. And what you'll find is that they usually make so much money because they have better quality visitors and email subscribers. And they're better because they are buyers.

And you need to do the same. Don't try and attract more visitors and more email subscribers, try and attract more buyers. Don't you agree that it's better to have a list of email buyers and have buyers visiting your site?

There is something you can do to try and get their buyers to come to your site, and it's simple to do.

Just mention their site in one of your articles and include a link. That way, anyone searching for their site, may come across yours too.

And the owner of the bigger site will notice you too when they check their stats and see traffic coming to their site from yours when someone clicks on the link you provided.

Doing this is so easy and doesn't cost anything.

Not only that, but you were going to write an article anyway so why not write about a fascinating article you read on the popular website and provide a link to it.

Just try it and see the difference it makes.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or less
- Including Research, Writing and Proof Reading

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Secret to Article Marketing Success

Wouldn't it be great if you could sit and write articles every day and earn money from them all?

I see so many poeple searching online to try and find out how to make money writing articles. And it's not necessarily because they've never tried it, but because they're doing it, but not earning any money.

They need to know not only how to write articles but how to earn money from it.

And the answer is simple. In fact you probably already know it.

As the great business coach Mike Litman used to say, "In life and in business, you're either consistent, or non-existent."

In other words, you can't be hit and miss. If you want to earn money through article marketing, then you need to be consistent so that you stay in your customers minds through your articles which they see all the time, instead of now and again.

And it's not just writing articles that's important. It's equally (if not more) important to keep marketing using social media, email subscribers and even PR (Press Releases).

Just keep your article marketing business moving forward and get your articles in front of as many people as you can.

And you need to be able to write articles quickly to get more done without needing more time.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or less
- Including Research, Writing and Proof Reading

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Number One Secret to Passive Income From Writing Articles

Want to know the secret of making money from writing articles?

It's simple really, and you knew it all the time.

The secret (or rather, the not so secret) is that you have to write quickly.

Writing quickly is great for two reasons. It means you can write more without needing more time, plus you'll write better because you won't be self-editing as you write because you won't have time.

You also need to have great products to promote. They can be your own products or affiliate products.

It also helps if you're promoting continuity products which means your income doesn't stop with just one sale because you're selling a weekly or monthly subscription to something or the product comes with upsells.

Working with continuity products means that you sell once and earn more money after the initial sale. Sometimes it can be weeks or months later.

And it all begins with article marketing to hook your readers in and help them make a buying decision.

So the more you write, the more you can earn.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or less
- Including Research, Writing and Proof Reading

Friday, March 15, 2019

Extra Income From Just 5 Minutes a Day

Wanting to make money writing articles is one thing. Actually doing it is another.

Working from home isn't as easy as it looks because without a boss watching over your shoulder, it's too easy to get distracted or to waste time searching online for the next BSO.

And time wasted adds up quickly. Even if you allow yourself only 10 minutes a day on Facebook, that's over an hour wasted every week. And that's assuming that you'll actually stick to your 10 minutes. Usually when you look up an hour or more has passed.

But there is a way you can get control of your time and it only takes 5 minutes a day.

All you have to do, is at the end of the day, sit and plan your next working day, hour by hour, while you've still got your work head on.

This 5 minute daily habit, although it seems like a waste of time, can totally change the way you work and make you more productive, which means you'll write more and earn more.

Mapping out your day this way, puts you 'on the clock' which means that you won't have time to waste as you try and stick to your hourly deadlines.

Try it and see what a massive difference it can make to your productivity and your income.

Living The Laptop Lifestyle:
How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business
So You Can Quit Your Job

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

What If... You Could Live Your Dream Life Writing Articles?

Is it possible to make a living writing articles?

What if you only wrote one article a day? Can you make money this way?

In his 10-Minute Workday program, copywriter Ben Settle shows writers how to make a six-figure income writing just one email a day.

But there are certain things you have to do in order to make a living as an article writer.

Firstly, you need to write every day. You can't be hit and miss with your writing. You must work consistently.

Next, you need to have a subscriber list so that people can get your articles or blog posts automatically by email.

Also, have plenty of products to promote. Most online marketers work with funnels so as soon as a customer buys one product, they are automatically offered more by autoresponder emails.

And lastly, but certainly not least, you MUST write great content that contains unmissable offers. Your customers need to look forward to receiving your emails.

And if you do it all correctly, you can achieve an article writing lifestyle.

All you have to do is start.

You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

How to Write An Article in 15 Minutes or less
- Including Research, Writing and Proof Reading

Monday, March 11, 2019

What Benefits Your Readers?

When you make a living writing articles, it's important to always be selling something, because without sales, you have no business.

And it doesn't just apply to articles, but also sales letters, books, blog posts or emails. Whatever you're writing, try and make a sale.

And the way to do it is to think about how the product you're selling will benefit your reader.

In other words, they don't really want to know what you're selling, they only want to know how it will benefit them and improve their life or business.

So whenever you want to describe a feature of the product you're selling, turn it into a benefit. Don't say what it does, say what it will do for your reader.

They must be able to envision how they will be better off with your product. They need to be able to see the change it will make in their life.

It's similar to an ending in a fiction story where there is always a physical or emotional change for the main character.

Only in this instance, the main character is your reader.

Living The Laptop Lifestyle:
How To Start & Grow A Profitable Online Business
So You Can Quit Your Job

Friday, March 8, 2019

Why Number 1 is the Most Dangerous Number

In business there is one number to be afraid of.

And that number is 1.


Because it's the most dangerous number for a business.

Written 1 book? So what?

- Only 1 person working in your company (you), what happens when you can't work?

- Have only 1 business premises or website? Need more method of distribution.

- Have only 1 product to sell? What happens after everyone buys one?

- Only got 1 marketing channel? What if you had more?

- Do you only have 1 social media account? What if they shut you out?

If you only have one of everything in your business, then it's time you looked at expanding.

And also you need a backup plan for every area just in case your one and only way or working, doesn't.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

When You Stop Learning, You Stop Earning

Ever since I started working online, I find I'm always learning.

For the last few months now I've been working my way through The Titans Of Direct Response package, which is a huge box of DVDs, CDs, books and more, all about marketing tips and strategies from some of the giants (Titans) of direct response marketing.

It's taking me a surprising (or unsurprising) amount of time to go through it all but I have watched the DVDs over and over again, and I still learn something new every time I watch them.

I also try and keep up with new writing markets, trends and news.

I recently listened to a podcast from the Just Add Hustle website, and it was an interview with blogger and freelance proof-reader, Caitlyn Pyle, and she talked about the importance of always learning to keep up with the industry you work in.

She said, "When you stop learning, you stop earning." And THAT is something that no one should forget.

No one can work in a vacuum. There is so much information out there so it's not hard to find what you need to learn.

I'm always recommending books and courses because learning really IS so important.

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