Thursday, October 21, 2021

Finding The Time and a Place to Write

woman writing

One of the biggest problems that some writers face is finding time to write.

If this is a problem that you always face, then this is the best advice I can give you:

You'll never FIND the time to write.

You have to MAKE the time to write.

No one has 'Free Time'. There's no such thing so don't go looking for it.

In order to find free time, there would have to be a part of the day where you're not using your time for other things. In other words, you're looking for a time where you do nothing but sit and stare into space. That's your free time.

Does that sound like a part of your normal day? I don't think so.

If you want to write, you have to make the time to do it. This will mean giving up something that's less important like watching TV or socializing.

This will seem hard at first, but before you know it, writing will be a part of your daily routine just like everything else you do.

And if you already have a full-time job and a family and you feel that you really just don't have the time to complete The 12 Month Writing Challenge, remember this:

It's a challenge. It's not meant to be easy. And if you look at your daily working routine you'll see that you have pockets of time all over the place.

You can write in your lunch hour, on the train, get up earlier to write or burn the midnight oil and go to bed later.

You just need to have the drive, determination and laser-like focus to do it.

And once you start writing and you get to know how long it takes you to complete something, then you can plan better and streamline your whole system of working.

Just remember that if you really want to be a writer, you have to stop making excuses for yourself. You need to work at it and make it work for you.

Have a Place to Write

I have a place where I write. I have a small desk in my library at home. I also have a laptop computer and a printer and a small chest of drawers full of papers and notebooks in my library.

This is where I mostly work. It's a cosy room and feels relaxing.

Sometimes I sit outside and work, either on my back covered patio or on my front porch. Some days I even work in the park or at the local library (it's air-conditioned on a hot day).

But mostly I work at my desk in my library.

I read a lot and I've read much about other writers and how they work. And one common thread of most writers is that they have a place where they write. Most of them have a time when they write too.

Having a place to write works in several different ways -

It puts you in a writing mood.

It's easy to keep equipment at hand.

Others know you're always busy when you’re in your writing place.

There are fewer distractions.

It's easy to organize your writing place so that you're not distracted by the TV or a nice view (don't sit facing a window).

And once you've established a place where you write, other family members will quickly learn that when you’re in your writing place you’re busy and don’t want to be disturbed.

And as you start earning money, other family members might start to take your writing seriously.

Sign up to learn more about writing and earning money.

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